Strength in Action and Mt Carmel Resource Center Palmetto was started in 2005 by surveying the community to find out the needs that needed to be addressed. We discovered from the survey that there is a lot of homeless and low income people in need in our community. We started addressing food needs then moved to educational needs by providing GED and ESOL classes through Manatee Technical Institute (MTI) and classes through Sun Coast Workforce.
Our goal is to continue expanding our educational and social services into the community at large, as well as service low income and the homeless, by developing more partnerships with other organizations in the community to strengthen our services and educational goals. The services that will be provided will double to current services provided. Added services will be a great benefit to Palmetto and Manatee County.
improving Individuals Lives, one at a time!
We are currently open Monday thru Friday from 8:00 AM till 2:00 PM. We will expand service to full time office hours 8:00 AM till 5:00 PM and 6:30 PM till 8:00 PM for evening classes daily. Classes will also be held during daytime hours as needed.
We will be developing a lawn service, on campus thrift shop and fresh vegetable business for income sustainability for the center along with other income measures